Sparkling water is having a moment right now. Mineral water, on the other hand, has a legitimate definition and even some health benefits. We delved deep to find out what mineral water in a can is if it’s healthy, and where to find it to answer all of your questions including the ones you didn’t know you had.
Mineral water must come from a natural, protected subsurface source, according to the FDA. It must naturally deliver minerals and trace elements in order to qualify. Mineral water can be still or sparkling, but it is distinguished from other fluids by the fact that the minerals present inside cannot be added.
What makes mineral water different from spring water?
Springwater must come from an underground source that flows naturally to the surface, according to FDA standards. Springwater can be gathered as it rises to the surface or trapped below the ground—as long as the water’s natural flow isn’t interrupted throughout the tapping operation.
Mineral water, like spring water, is derived from underground sources, but it must continuously deliver a minimum proportion of naturally occurring minerals and other trace components. Although some mineral waters are labeled as having “low” or “high” mineral content, both qualify as mineral water as long as they meet the FDA’s mineral-content standard.
Minerals are more easily absorbed.
Drinking your minerals has the potential to be a great approach to receive a considerable part of your daily intake for calcium and magnesium in a single liter bottle because of the form minerals assume in water (called “ionic”), which makes them easier for your GI tract to absorb.
It has the potential to strengthen bones.
Are you a non-drinker of milk? Participants absorbed calcium from mineral water just as effectively as they did from milk, according to one study, and several studies have connected drinking calcium-rich mineral water to increased bone mineral density. For those who don’t like or can’t drink milk, this is wonderful news.
Carbonated mineral water may help to lower cholesterol levels.
Postmenopausal women drank still water with low mineral content for two months and then carbonated mineral water for two months in small research in Spain. Every day, each woman consumed one liter of water. When compared to when they were drinking still water, the women’s total cholesterol and “bad” LDL cholesterol levels were much lower after two months of consuming carbonated mineral water, but their “good” HDL cholesterol was significantly higher.
Mineral water is said to provide a number of health benefits. If you don’t want to, you don’t have to drink your minerals. Minerals contained in mineral waters can also be found in the foods we eat. Staying hydrated is crucial for a multitude of reasons, but the study also reveals that those who drink adequate water are generally healthier eaters.